Klappetart from dee4licious It literally means "coconut cake" or "coconut tart", which is made from flour, sugar, milk, butter, as well as coconut flesh and juice. Dee is invariably the most sane, grounded person in every scene, though once it's time to bust out the wireworks, he can leap from rafter to rafter with the best of them. It's the movie that never takes flight.

Bahan Membuat Klappetart from dee4licious

  1. You need 250 ml of susu cair.
  2. It's 150 ml of air kelapa.
  3. It's 25 gram of tepung terigu.
  4. Prepare 25 gram of tepung custrad.
  5. Prepare 25 gram of maizena.
  6. You need 50 gram of whip cream bubuk.
  7. It's 150 ml of air.
  8. You need 100 gram of gula pasir.
  9. Prepare 3 butir of kuning telur.
  10. You need 75 gram of mentega.
  11. You need 1/2 sdt of vanilla susu.
  12. Prepare 2 buah of kelapa muda yg tdk tll tua/tll muda kerok dagingnya.
  13. Prepare of topping:.
  14. You need 3 butir of putih telur.
  15. You need 2 sdm of gula pasir.
  16. Prepare 1 sdm of terigu.
  17. Prepare secukupnya of kayu manis bubuk.
  18. You need secukupnya of kismis.

Langkah Memasak Klappetart from dee4licious

  1. Larutkan tepung terigu,tepung custrad,maizena & whip cream bubuk dengan air, aduk dgn whisk pastikan tidak ada yg bergerindil, masukkan air kelapa aduk rata kalau perlu saring..
  2. Masak susu cair & gula hingga gula larut, masukkan larutan tepung & whip cream, aduk terus hingga mengental & meletup letup. Matikan api..
  3. Masukkan mentega dalam adonan, aduk rata. Masukkan vanilla susu, aduk rata. Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu, aduk rata. Lalu masukkan daging kelapa muda. Aduk rata kembali. Sisihkan..
  4. Topping: kocok putih telur & gula pasir hingga kaku, masukkan terigu..
  5. Tata adonan kedalam cup aluminium foil hampir penuh. Panggang dgn cara au bain marie/steam bake selama 15 menit dengan suhu 170°C. Keluarkan, beri topping hingga cukup tinggi, taburi kayu manis bubuk & kismis. Panggang kembali hingga topping kecoklatan. Angkat. Dinginkan. Masukkan kulkas..
  6. Klappy ini sangat2 lezat dalam keadaan dingin..bayangkan rasa manis legit dipadu dgn kelapa muda yg gurih klamut2..😅.

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