Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) オムライス Q: Seungmin-ah do you like omurice [Japanese omelet rice]?? Now add a tablespoon of rice wine. Can be substituted with any cooking wine or white wine.

Bahan Membuat Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) オムライス

  1. It's 4 of sosis ayam // 4 chicken sausages // チキンソーセージ4本.
  2. You need 2 of daun bawang (cincang) // 2 garlic cloves (minced) // ニンニク(みじん切り)2かけ.
  3. Prepare 50 g of Bawang bombay // onion 50g //玉ねぎ50g.
  4. Prepare 30 g of Buncis // green beans 30g // いんげん 30g.
  5. You need 30 g of Jagung // corn 30g // コーン30g.
  6. You need 30 g of Wortel // Carrot 30g //人参30g.
  7. Prepare 8 of Telur // 8 eggs //卵8個.
  8. Prepare 15 g of Air // water 15g //水15g.
  9. You need 5 g of Gula // Sugar 5g //砂糖5g.
  10. You need 10 g of Mentega // margarine 10g // マーガリン 10g.
  11. Prepare 15 g of sambal // サンバル15g.
  12. You need 10 g of Kaldu ayam bubuk // chicken stock powder 10g //鶏ガラスープ10g.
  13. It's Sejumput of garam // 1 pinch of salt //胡椒1つまみ.
  14. Prepare Sejumput of lada // 1 pinch of white pepper //塩1つまみ.
  15. It's secukupnya of Minyak salad // appropriate amount of salad oil // サラダ油適量.

Langkah Memasak Omurice (Japanese Omelette Rice) オムライス

  1. Potong sosis ayam, bawang bombay, buncis, jagung, dan wortel EN: Chopped chicken sausage, onions, green beans, corn, dan carrots JP: チキンソーセージ、玉ねぎ、いんげん、コーン、ニンジンをみじん切りにする.
  2. Tumis dengan minyak salad EN: Fry with a proper amount of salad oil JP: 適量のサラダ油で炒める.
  3. Campur bumbu dan bahan semua kecuali garam dan lada dalam mangkuk EN: Mix seasoning and ingredients other than salt and pepper in a bowl JP: 塩コショウ以外の調味料と材料をボウルで混ぜる.
  4. Tuang minyak salad ke penggorengan panas dan tumis bahan dalam mangkuk tadi dengan api sedang. Langkah yang ini tambahkan rasa dengan garam dan lada. EN: Put salad oil in a hot pan and fry the mixed ingredients over medium heat. At this time, adjust the taste with salt and pepper. JP: 熱したフライパンにサラダ油を入れ、混ぜ合わせた材料を中火で炒める。 この時に塩コショウで味を調える。.
  5. Taruh margarine 10g ke penggorengan. Tuangkan dua telur yang sudah dikocok dan oleskan merata ke seluruh penggorengan EN: Add 10g of margarine to a hot pan. Put two well-mixed eggs and spread them all over JP: 温めたフライパンにマーガリンを10g入れる。よく混ぜた卵二個を入れて全体に広げる.
  6. Taruh 1/4 nasi goreng diatas telur dan kemudian gulung telurnya EN: Place a quarter of the rice on the egg and roll it up. JP: 四分の一のご飯を卵の上に置き、巻き込む。.

Omurice or omu-rice (オムライス Omu-raisu) is an example of yōshoku (a Western-influenced style of Japanese cuisine) consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup. Dobranotch - Du Hast (Rammstein cover). Omu rice, or rice omelette, is an example of yohshoku, Japanese food that originated in the west but has been changed around to suit the Japanese palette. It's an omelette stuffed with that same pirafu or chikin raisu (chicken rice), and topped with a dollop of red ketchup..omurice Omuraisu (オムライス) is simply an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup. The dish typically consists of chicken rice wrapped in a thin sheet of fried egg but the ingredients Japan Japan Info Japanese Language Learning Study Japanese Turning Japanese.

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