Ayam Garam / Hakka salted chicken Add salt bit by bit around the chicken and rub it in by gently massaging the bird. Ensure to coat the whole chicken evenly and completely, including the folds and joints. Tropp explained that Hakka cooks have one hand in the north and one in the south; the northern hand reaches for garlic, ginger, and an extra shot of rice wine, while the southern hand opts for light-colored sauces and favors steaming over stir-frying.

Bahan Membuat Ayam Garam / Hakka salted chicken

  1. Prepare 1 ekor of ayam kampung, cuci bersih.
  2. It's 1 buah of bawang bombay, potong.
  3. It's 2 buah of daun bawang,cuci bersih.
  4. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih (disini sy pakai minyak bawang).
  5. You need secukupnya of Garam, lada.
  6. You need 2 ruas of air jahe, parut, peras airnya.
  7. It's of Aluminium foil & baking paper.
  8. Prepare secukupnya of Mentega.
  9. It's 2 sdm of air perasan jeruk nipis.

Langkah Memasak Ayam Garam / Hakka salted chicken

  1. Marinasi ayam dengan garam, lada dan sedikit jeruk nipis selama 30 menit.
  2. Siapkan baking paper, letakkan ayam diatas nya, masukkan bawang bombay, air jahe, daun bawang, bawang putih (atau minyak bawang) ke dalam dan luar ayam, bungkus hadap atas (supaya air kaldu tidak tumpah).
  3. Bungkus lagi ayam diatas aluminium foil.
  4. Presto ayam diatas loyang penyangga selama 30 menit / opsi lain: dikukus 1-1.5 jam.
  5. Setelah matang, buka aluminium dan baking tray, pisahkan kuah kaldu sebagai topping pendamping, angkat semua bumbu kecuali bawang bombay.
  6. Denagn posisi terbuka,lumuri ayam dengan mentega, panggang 200 derajat api atas sampai kulit ayam agak kekuningan, asal jangan sampai coklat.

Traditional Salted chicken is prepared with minimum ingredients. Salt, sand ginger, ginger, wine and five-spice powder are the only ingredients. Hakka salt-baked chicken recipe - For ginger marinade, squeeze the juice from ginger through muslin into a large bowl (discard solids). This surprisingly simple dish rewards a little attention to detail with a lot of flavour. Campurkan ayam yang sudah dimarinade dengan telur.

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