Puff pastry [ kulit pastry ] Yes, you can buy puff Puff pastry is made from hundreds of paper-thin layers of butter trapped between hundreds of paper-thin layers of dough. In the oven, the liquid in both. Making puff pastry from scratch is a rather involve process, including lots of butter and lots of dough folding.

Bahan Membuat Puff pastry [ kulit pastry ]

  1. Prepare 500 gr of terigu cakra.
  2. Prepare 250 gr of korsvet.
  3. You need 50 gr of margarine.
  4. Prepare 1 sdt of garam.
  5. Prepare 1 sdm of g pasir.
  6. It's 250 ml of air es [ bisa lebih tergantung kelembaban tepung ].

Langkah Memasak Puff pastry [ kulit pastry ]

  1. Siapkan korsvet,masukkan diplastik 1kg...kemudian gilas,aku di kresek kecil(g punya plstik sekiloan)...dan lupa motrek makk.....
  2. Campur semua bahan kecuali air dan korsvet...lalu tuang air perlahan sambil diaduk sampai kalis rata.
  3. Tabur tipis terigu di meja kerja....ratakan/ gilas adonan tepung melebar,(lebih lebar dari hasil gilasan korsvet ya)...note:setiap kali akan menggilas [setelah proses lipat melipat] oles permukaan adonan dgn terigu,bisa pake kuas,aku tepok2 pake tangan aja...toh mau aku makan sendiri hehe...
  4. Lalu,letakkan korsvet yg sudah digilas tadi diatas adonan...lipat atas,bawah,kiri kanan..sampai korsvet tertutupi adonan semua..
  5. Lalu gilas....lipat double...gilas lagi lipat double lagi....seperti digambar ya [ contoh lipat doble ].
  6. Kemudian gilas lagi....lipat single....lipat yg kiri ketengah,,,,lalu lipat yang kanan menindih lipatan pertama tadi...ngerti kan yakkk #maksa.
  7. Gilas lagi....lipat single lagi....puff pustry nya sudah selesai....bisa kamu biarkan tebel,atau ditipiskan kemudian dibagi sesuai kebutuhan....klo aku makk karena masih aku simpen freezer...aku gilas kira2 1cm,terus aku rapihkan pinggirnya untk aku oven ngetes layer nya gimana....
  8. Aku potong jadi 4,pake pisau pizza...terus aku plastikin satu2,simpan difrezer,masih kebanyakan rencana mau diapain.wkwkkk....

Plus, you can receive Inspiration, our monthly e-newsletter. Includes a recipe for puff pastry plus details on how to cook and store in the refrigerator or freezer before use. Puff pastry can be used in a variety of sweet and savoury recipes including steak and kidney pie, beef Wellington, sausage rolls, apple turnovers, strudel, vol-au-vents, mille feuilles and. Puff pastry, also known as pâte feuilletée, is a flaky light pastry made from a laminated dough composed of dough (détrempe) and butter or other solid fat (beurrage). The butter is put inside the dough (or vice versa), making a paton which is repeatedly folded and rolled out before baking.

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