Mousse Puding Chocolate mousse that tastes like something from a restaurant, with the ease of instant pudding! Chocolate chia pudding mousse is a smooth, blended version of chocolate chia pudding. There's no chia seed texture, just a classic creamy mousse consistency.

Bahan Membuat Mousse Puding

  1. It's 7 gram of agar-agar plain.
  2. It's 80 gram of gula pasir.
  3. Prepare 30 gram of maizena.
  4. Prepare 8 sdm of susu bubuk.
  5. You need 700 ml of air.
  6. Prepare 185 gram of dark cooking chocolate, cincang.
  7. You need 1/4 sdt of garam.
  8. Prepare 1/4 sdt of vanili.
  9. It's 15 sdm of meises, haluskan dengan sendok.

Langkah Memasak Mousse Puding

  1. Campurkan agar, maizena, gula dan susu. Lalu tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk rata.
  2. Masak adonan hingga mendidih, tambahkan dcc, masak hingga bergelembung..
  3. Tambahkan vanili dan garam. Aduk rata. Matikan kompor, tuang ke wadah.
  4. Taburi dengan taburan remahan biskuit coklat atau meises gerus..
  5. Dinginkan di kulkas dahulu baru siap disantap..

Maple Mousse, Murderous Cheesecake Mousse - Two Ingredient Cheesecake Mousse With Strawberry Sauce Perfect For Halloween. It's simply irresistible, and only takes a few. A wide variety of mousse pudding options are available to you. Flower Shape Silicone Molds Jelly Pudding Baking Cake Moulds Soap Handmade Soap Tool Crystal Epoxy Mousse Cake Mould Jello Mold. This pumpkin mousse recipe is an easy dessert that will impress everyone.

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