Melon Lemon Squash Lemon Drop melons have the initial appearance of their parent melon, the Galia. A refreshing summer drink, Lemon squash is a favorite among children. The concentrated lemony flavors in the lemon squash served with chilled water is sure to reenergize you on a hot sultry day.

Bahan Membuat Melon Lemon Squash

  1. Prepare 1 buah of melon ukuran kecil.
  2. Prepare 4 buah of jeruk lemon.
  3. You need 1 botol of sirup rasa melon.
  4. It's 500 ml of air dingin.

Langkah Memasak Melon Lemon Squash

  1. Serut melon atau potong2 sesuai selera.
  2. Iris jeruk lalu peras.
  3. Satukan melon & jeruk kedalam wadah tuang air & sirop.
  4. Aduk2 sampai rata.
  5. Sajikan selagi dingin.

Planting Pumpkins Squash Varieties Squash Seeds Pumpkin Squash Golden Nugget Buy Seeds Homestead Gardens Squashes Orange. Like the squash itself, this recipe is very versatile. Lemon squash Definizione: a drink made from a sweetened lemon concentrate and water Lemon Melon Strange how they both contain the same letters but is spelled differently. Not that I would care to eat anything containing Lemon.

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